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Topics - AMN231

XCMS Online / XC-MS data analysis: MS/MS matching –replicates- and methods
In our laboratory we work on the non-targeted metabolic profiling of plant extracts.
Our objective is the identification of the metabolites present in plant extracts and compare their accumulation levels in ctrl vs treatment.
After loading the data in the XC-MS website:
1)   Which is the most suitable method to analyze LC-MS ESI triple quadrupole data?
2)   Saying that I used HPLC orbitrap method in pairwise job (ctrl vs treatment), is there a way to group the replicates. (In the heatmap etc..)
3)    The identification using MS/MS matching, the matrix model is limited to: human, mouse, fly, and yeast. However we are looking for plant secondary metabolites. Is there a way to change the matrix model?
Thanks in advance