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Topics - kevincho

Hi all,

We now launched SOAP API for METLIN (http://, currently there are 2 major features (Batch search and Spectrum Match for MS/MS data) that you can use for this.
Please feel free to use it, and let us know if there are any issues or suggestions.

By the way, don't forget to register to receive token for this service

Thank you,
metaXCMS / metaXCMS Protocol
Hi XCMS users,

As many of you aware of this, the metaXCMS protocol is published.  The usage of metaXCMS software is thoroughly described on the paper, so please review the paper at Nature Protocols

Thank you,
METLIN / MS/MS Spectrum Match is available now
Hi METLIN users,

I'm very glad to announce that we recently launched a new tool for MS/MS Spectrum Match, which allows users to ID known/unknown compound with a score (based on the modified X-Rank Algorithm).  The current version requires to enter m/z, intensity (of the user's MS/MS data) with a few parameters to search against METLIN's MS/MS database (currently ~5400 LC MS/MS data).

Please feel free to use the new feature, and give us some feedbacks regarding the tool.

You can check the awesome feature at http://

METLIN / Welcome to METLIN online forum
Hi all METLIN users,

Welcome everyone, we would like to hear from you to make METLIN better for your research and for Metabolomics community

Please report any bugs, suggestions, errors on this forum. 

- If you report bugs, please also mention the operating system (e.g. Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.6.7, Ubuntu 10.04) and the web-browser (e.g. Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.6.17) that you are using.

- If you suggest new ideas or features (contains sensitive information), please email me details at kevincho [at] scripps [dot] edu

- If you report some errors on METLIN, please provide me MID(METLIN ID) and fields information(NAME, MASS, and etc) for correction.

Thank you,