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Topics - betina89

XCMS / How to export XCMS results
Hello everyone,
I'm totally new on XCMS (and R), but I'm trying to do my best to learn as fast as possible how to deal with these tools. I'm pretty sure that I've understood the global process, and I tested it with my GC-MS (single quad) data. However, after alignment - correspondence - filling missing peaks, I have no idea on how extract my data as excel table to visualize which peaks have been detected and to try to identify the analytes.

I found this instructions:
mydata = groupval(yourset,value="into")

but when I try them, I have this error message: Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘groupval’ for signature ‘"XCMSnExp"’
So it is obvious that I've not understood which object to convert...I find just XCMSnExp in my environment and I really don't know what to do.
Sorry if I bother you with this basic question, but I would really appreciate some help
Thanks a lot!