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Topics - Paz Cortes

XCMS / peak picking error

I have tried to use centWave to find peaks in my data. I used a run with a known compound in it. I know at which m/z and rt values I should find it. Plotting EIC with m/z range and time range around those values I can see a clear peak. However it is not detected by centWave. I used default parameters and ppm= 15.
Any ideas?

CAMERA / CAMERA question
I've recently been looking into the CAMERA software for isotope and adduct annotation.
I have done tests using the default adduct ruleset but now I would like to know how to add other features to that list.
I notice xsAnnotate objects have a "ruleset" slot . Should I change this data.frame to add other features?
And if so, what is stored in the oidscore, quasi and  ips columns?

Thanks for your help,