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Topics - 7clouds7

MS-DIAL / MS-Dial is giving very noisy data in comparison to Masshunter Qual (Help!)
Good afternoon!  I have run a calibration curve and each levels were injected 12x for replication in Agilent 6545 QTOF All ions mode.  I used Masshunter Qual to identify some molecules from our standard mix  and then compared this to MS-Dial. We were hoping to use MS-Dial with our future untargeted data analysis but this is just proof of concept on checking data quality between MS-Dial and Masshunter Qual/Quant from Agilent.

Sample info:

Calibration curve in methanol: 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 ppm with 12 injections each levels and ran this in All ions pos and neg in Agilent 6545 HILIC chromatography.

Problem:   I am seeing high %CV's from MS-Dial analyzed data than in Masshunter Qual.  I was hoping MS-Dial would give the same if not better quality than Masshunter Qual.  Can some one please check my parameters?

For example, at 2 ppm for Arginine neg mode, we are seeing 8.4% CV while in MS-Dial we were seeing 90% CV!!! The retention times were comparable between the two data analysis tools.  What is causing MS-Dial to have such high %CV?  Your help would very helpful.  Arginine and Methionine calibration curves are shown in the attached files.  Thank you and looking forward to your response.   Keep safe!