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Topics - Abraham

MS-DIAL / Alignment list interpretation

I am processing Mzml files in MS-DIAL and I exported the Alignment results to Excel, however, it is not quite clear for me how to interpret the results in the columns. I understand that, roughly speaking, this is a list with all the possible metabolites that my samples could have, however, I don’t completely understand the post creation section.

What does “ion correlated with….. exactly mean? I checked such correlations with the numbers and some metabolite names happen to be same, but not all of them. Also, Does “w/o MS2:” mean that these metabolites were identified without using MS/MS and the ones that do not state this were identified using MS/MS?

Finally, the remaining columns in this spreadsheet, How do I interpret the fact that most of my rows state ‘False’ and ‘null’?

Thank you very much for your attention