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Topics - Xinsong Du

MS-DIAL / MS-DIAL on Supercomputer Failed to Annotate Metabolite

I was trying to use supercomputer to run MS-DIAL, it successfully produced a peak table, but no peak was annotated even though locations of libraries were provided in the parameter file (i.e., all rows of column "Metabolite name" are "Unknown"). Has any one used command-line version to annotate metabolites successfully? I will very much appreciate it if anyone can help me out.

Following is the content of the parameter file I used:

MS-DIAL ver. 4.48

MS1 Data type   Centroid
MS2 Data type   Centroid
Ion mode   Positive
Target   Metablomics
Mode   ddMSMS

#Data collection parameters
Retention time begin   0
Retention time end   100
Mass range begin   0
Mass range end   2000
MS2 mass range begin   0
MS2 mass range end   2000

#Centroid parameters
MS1 tolerance   0.01
MS2 tolerance   0.025

#Isotope recognition
Maximum charged number   2

#Data processing
Number of threads   10

#Peak detection parameters
Smoothing method   LinearWeightedMovingAverage
Smoothing level   3
Minimum peak width   5
Minimum peak height   1000

#Peak spotting parameters
Mass slice width   0.1
Exclusion mass list (mass & tolerance)

#Deconvolution parameters
Sigma window value   0.5
MS2Dec amplitude cut off   0
Exclude after precursor   True
Keep isotope until   0.5
Keep original precursor isotopes   False

#MSP file and MS/MS identification setting
MSP file   /blue/djlemas/xinsongdu/jupyter_notebook/projects/milkmetabolomics-humanbovine/data/design_files/MSMS-Pos-MassBank.msp
Retention time tolerance   100
Accurate mass tolerance (MS1)   0.01
Accurate mass tolerance (MS2)   0.05
Identification score cut off   70
Using retention time for scoring   False
Using retention time for filtering   False

#Text file and post identification (retention time and accurate mass based) setting
Text file   /blue/djlemas/xinsongdu/jupyter_notebook/projects/milkmetabolomics-humanbovine/pos_msdial.txt
Retention time tolerance   0.1
Accurate mass tolerance   0.01
Identification score cut off   85

#Advanced setting for identification
Relative abundance cut off   0
Top candidate report   False

#Adduct ion setting

#Alignment parameters setting
Reference file   /blue/djlemas/xinsongdu/jupyter_notebook/data/metabolomics/Human_Bovine/mzML/demo/QE2_jdg_242_Lemas_1[NeatQC]p.mzML
Retention time tolerance   0.05
MS1 tolerance   0.015
Retention time factor   0.5
MS1 factor   0.5
Peak count filter   20
N% detected in at least one group   0
Remove feature based on peak height fold-change   True
Sample max / blank average   5
Sample average / blank average   5
Keep identified and annotated metabolites   True
Keep removable features and assign the tag for checking   True
Gap filling by compulsion   True

#Tracking of isotope labels
Tracking of isotopic labels   FALSE

#Ion mobility
Ion mobility data   FALSE

MS-DIAL / Unselected adduct appears in MS-DIAL peak table

I selected only [M+H]+ for MS-DIAL data processing, but the produced table also contains other adducts such as [M+2H]2+, etc. I will very much appreciate it if anyone can help explain it.
