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Topics - msss

MS-DIAL / the meaning of model masses in peak table
Hi Hiroshi,

I would like to know what is the meaning of model masses in peak table?
why different sigma value lead to differnt model masses?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards
MS-DIAL / The sigma window value in dec tab
Hi Hiroshi,

I would like to know what is "sigma window value" and how to filter ms2 peak based on th sigma value? what's the meaning of
matchedFilterCoefficient in the souce code posted on the official website?
Code: [Select]
matchedFilterCoefficient[i] = (1 - Math.Pow((-halfPoint + i) / sigma, 2)) * Math.Exp(-0.5 * Math.Pow((-halfPoint + i) / sigma, 2))

Thanks in advance!

Best regards