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Topics - Hzamora14

MS-DIAL / EI similarity and Dot. Product difference?

Does anybody know what is the difference between EI similarity score and Dot Product similarity score for GC-MS?

They both are in the Compoud Detail section or in the Compoud Serch Window. I know how the dot product works, but I don't understand how IE similarity differs from the dot product.

Thank you for your help!

Kind regards,

MS-DIAL / Batch alignment in MS-DIAL 4.92
Hi all,

Does MS-DIAL handle batch alignment for GC-MS data?

I know you are asked to indicate the batch ID in the project settings, but I am not clear if that information are used for doing batch alignment during the process.

MS-DIAL / Missing values in Lowess/Spline normalization method
Hello everyone,

How should missing values have to be represented before using LOWESS/Spline normalization software? They should be represented with zeros "0", "NA", or only blank cells.

Or do you recommended firstly doing missing values imputation and then doing LOWESS/Spline normalization for batch/signal correction?

Thank you in advance for your answers.