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Topics - XiaoqingW

MS-DIAL / What is a highly-confident annotation?
Hello all,

I got some annotations with MS-DIAL but I'm not sure which ones I could have high confidence in.

I searched the literature and found that:
One paper said they confidently identified metabolites with a dot product >0.8 (Guo and Huan, 2020).
One paper said a dot product score >~500 seems sufficient to retain high confidence in metabolite identification (Barbier Saint Hilaire et al., 2020).
Another paper said total identification score >70% means an annotation with high confidence (Wasito et al., 2022).

I'm really confused about which score I should look at, and which value should be the threshold for a confident annotation. I was wondering if there are any official/accepted criteria for that.

Thank you in advance for your information!