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Topics - meow

Site related / Location breadcrumb in the forum?

would it be possible to add some kind of location breadcrumb link to the forums? I mean something that indicates what forum I am in and allowing me to jump back.
Say I am on
There should be a link on the top of the site that goes
"Committees -> Publication committee" allowing me to directly go to those subforums. The links in "Jump to" at the bottom of the page are very hidden and inaccessible.

XCMS / Feed raw input data to XCMS? is now: deprofile.R

a question: Say I have raw high-resolution .mzML files in profile mode. I don't want to convert them to centroid mode because I want to retain the additional profile information present (e.g. for fine isotope analysis later on). Now I can open this file in R using mzR, and I have written a function which computes a centroid-mode spectrum for every scan.

How can I provide the centroided data (generated directly in R) to XCMS in an xcmsRaw-like object, so I can run centWave on it?

(One reason why I want to do this is that the error obtained by taking the local intensity maxima for the "centroid" m/z value can become quite large. The obtained m/z is much more accurate if I use e.g. an algorithm like the "Exact Mass" algorithm from MZmine, which takes the FWHM m/z value.)
XCMS / massifquant not working

We wanted to try the massifquant peak detection on some of our samples; apparently the findPeaks.massifquant function is not found in the DLL (the R part of the function seems to exist, it seems to fail when calling the DLL...)

Code: [Select]
fn <- "my_long_filename"
# just to try:
xs <- xcmsSet(fn, method="centWave")
# works great. However:
xs <- xcmsSet(fn, method="massifquant", ppm=5)
Fehler in .Call("massifquant", object@env$mz, object@env$intensity, object@scanindex,  :
  C Symbolname "massifquant" nicht in der DLL für Paket "xcms"

Code: [Select]
R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)



The same was true for R 2.14.1 and XCMS 1.30.3.

Is the function not yet active, or is something wrong with our R?
(R for Windows, btw.)
XCMS / TIC of MS/MS spectra?

I'm basically trying to extract the TIC for each single MS/MS scan from my data file.

I tried using the xcmsRaw class, loading the MSMS data to the "main level" and looking at the TIC slot, but it appears to be empty (see code below; all other information seems to be correct.) Also, I don't understand what the warning message is telling me - is the function supposed to be used differently? Using mslevel=2 without includeMSn=TRUE returns NULL.

Code: [Select]
> xrmsms <- xcmsRaw(fileName, includeMSn=TRUE,mslevel=2)
Warnmeldung: In split.xcmsRaw(object, f = object@msnLevel == mslevel) :  MSn information will be dropped
> length(xrmsms@tic)
[1] 2562
> which(xrmsms@tic != 0)
> which(xrmsms@scantime != 0)
  [1]    1    2    3    4    5    6 etc etc until 2562

I would need this data to merge it with a dataframe generated from @msnScanindex and @msnPrecursorMz so that I could then filter out the intensity of the tandem spectra for one selected mass.

Any suggestions?