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Topics - applelover427

CAMERA / Do intensity drifting accross samples influence CAMERA
Hello everyone,
I am currently using CAMERA function for metabolite annotation. I know that CAMERA is directly working on the XCMS object and do the annotation based on the peaks after XCMS fillingpeaks. By calculating correlations within one sample and accross samples for peak grouping. But this correlation is done based on the peak intensity. In our case, we know that we have signal intensity drift within one analytical batch(220 samples) and even more serious intensity drifting between batches (8 batches). So I am worried that the correlation function cannot work well to group peak together.
Do I misunderstand the CAMERA ? Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot in advance and I am eager to hear ideas from you.
XCMS / different versions R influence the result of XCMS grouping??
Hi everyone,
I meet a very very strange situation!
I use XCMS for peak detection in R version 3.2.2. Then I try to use the IPO package to optimize the grouping parameters. However, IPO is not available for R 3.2.2. In this case, I change my R to 3.0.3 version. Here, I get the optimized parameters of bw and mzwid after IPO.
By using exactly same xcms object, as shown below:
> hilicNEG_XS_re                              
An "xcmsSet" object with 152 samples                              
Time range: 3-749.6 seconds (0.1-12.5 minutes)                              
Mass range: 34.9684-1599.6728 m/z                              
Peaks: 1064740 (about 7005 per sample)                              
Peak Groups: 0                               
Sample classes: Batch_A.QA, Batch_B.QB, Batch_C.QC, Batch_D.QD, Batch_E.QE, Batch_F.QF, Batch_G.QG, Batch_H.QH, Batch_A.Ref, Batch_B.Ref, Batch_C.Ref, Batch_D.Ref, Batch_E.Ref, Batch_F.Ref, Batch_G.Ref, Batch_H.Ref, Batch_A.SA, Batch_B.SB, Batch_C.SC, Batch_D.SD, Batch_E.SE, Batch_F.SF, Batch_G.SG, Batch_H.SH                               
Profile settings: method = bin                              
                  step = 0.1                              
Memory usage: 92.2 MB
If I DO GROUPING IN R VERSION 3.0.3, I have only 4850 groups, but I get Peak Groups: 16490 when I use VERSION 3.2.2!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
1. VERSION 3.0.3
An "xcmsSet" object with 152 samples                              
Time range: 3-749.6 seconds (0.1-12.5 minutes)                              
Mass range: 34.9684-1599.6728 m/z                              
Peaks: 1064740 (about 7005 per sample)                              
Peak Groups: 4850                              
Sample classes: Batch_A.QA, Batch_B.QB, Batch_C.QC, Batch_D.QD, Batch_E.QE, Batch_F.QF, Batch_G.QG, Batch_H.QH, Batch_A.Ref, Batch_B.Ref, Batch_C.Ref, Batch_D.Ref, Batch_E.Ref, Batch_F.Ref, Batch_G.Ref, Batch_H.Ref, Batch_A.SA, Batch_B.SB, Batch_C.SC, Batch_D.SD, Batch_E.SE, Batch_F.SF, Batch_G.SG, Batch_H.SH                               
Profile settings: method = bin                              
                  step = 0.1                              
Memory usage: 100 MB   
2. R VERSION 3.2.2
An "xcmsSet" object with 152 samples                              
Time range: 3-749.6 seconds (0.1-12.5 minutes)                              
Mass range: 34.9684-1599.6728 m/z                              
Peaks: 1064740 (about 7005 per sample)                              
Peak Groups: 16490                               
Sample classes: Batch_A.QA, Batch_B.QB, Batch_C.QC, Batch_D.QD, Batch_E.QE, Batch_F.QF, Batch_G.QG, Batch_H.QH, Batch_A.Ref, Batch_B.Ref, Batch_C.Ref, Batch_D.Ref, Batch_E.Ref, Batch_F.Ref, Batch_G.Ref, Batch_H.Ref, Batch_A.SA, Batch_B.SB, Batch_C.SC, Batch_D.SD, Batch_E.SE, Batch_F.SF, Batch_G.SG, Batch_H.SH                                                       
Profile settings: method = bin                              
                  step = 0.1                                                            
Memory usage: 100 MB               

What is going on here??

Looking forward your reply!!!!
XCMS / alignment accross batches
Hi everyone,
I use xcms for data processing obtained from LC-QTOF-MS. We analyzed samples in multiple batches due to the large amount of sample size. However, it seems that the batch effect on retention time is very severe. Specifically, I use the obiwarp funtion for retention time correction. If I seperate my XCMS object into differnt batches and do the retention time correction for each batch,  based on the retention time deviation plot, I should set the bw is about 2 for grouping (retention time deviation is below 2). However, if I do the retention time correction for whole XCMS object (8 batches), the retention time deviation is over 15!
Moreover, as you can see from the plot, according to the rmsd, as calculated as
  • ]-hilicNEG_XS_re@rt$corrected[
  • ])**2)/length(hilicNEG_XS_re@rt$corrected[
  • ]))
the difference between batches is very obvious.
So in this case, I am wondering, whther I use bw=15 as indicated as the retention time deviation plot accross whole batches, or bw =3 as indicated as  the retention time deviation plot for one batch, features would be miss aligned!!
How can I deal with this sitiuation??
Thank you in advance for valuable suggestions !!!!

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XCMS / Interactive multigroup cloud plot
Hi everyone,
Interactive multigroup cloud plot seems to be a great way to visualize global untargeted metabolomic data. It can be done in XCMS online. However, I have a large sample size, around 2000 samples, and I am using R based XCMS for processing all the data set. I am wondering, are there any R codes available for making this kind of plot by using the data set obtained from XCMS?
Looking forward to all kind suggestions.
 :D  :D  :D
CAMERA / Questions about CAMERA and psgroup
Dear all,
I currently working on an untargeted LC MS metabolomics project. I have analysed plasma samples in 4 different modes, namely hilic positive mode and hilic negative mode, reversed phase positive mode and reversed phase negative mode. I use XCMS for peak picking and alignment and the CAMERA for ion annotation. However, I could not trust the psudospectra information obtained from CAMERA. Here I show you the example.
For hilic negative mode:
AhilicNEG_Xcset<- xcmsSet(AhilicNEG, method="centWave", peakwidth=c(5, 20), ppm=15, snthresh=6, mzdiff=0.01, prefilter=c(3,100), mzCenterFun="wMean", integrate=1)
cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_FWHM=groupFWHM(cameraAhilicNEG_peaks,sigma=6, perfwhm=0.4)
cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_ISO=findIsotopes(cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_FWHM,maxcharge=3, maxiso=4, minfrac=0.5,ppm=10, mzabs=0.015)
cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_GC=groupCorr(cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_ISO,cor_eic_th=0.7,cor_exp_th=0.4,pval=0.001,calcCiS=TRUE,calcIso=TRUE, calcCaS=TRUE, graphMethod="hcs")
cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_ADD=findAdducts(cameraAhilicNEG_peaks_GC, ppm=10, mzabs=0.015, multiplier=3,polarity="negative", rules=NULL, max_peaks=100)
However, I get the result and I am not sure whether I can trust the CAMERA result in this case. I am sorry to bother you with the long Email but I am sincerely very eager to get your suggestion and help. And your help definitely will facilitate to make progress of my ongoing project!!

I have shown you some of results as below: psgroup EICs have been uploaded as attachments.
174 features belonging to pcgroup 2
 49 features belong to pcgroup 3
 Even worse, 688 features belong to 9 pcgroup
 And the other example is , these three features come out at similar retention time but have been separated into three pcgroup as you can see below.
         pcgroup   m/z         rt
2026   [119][M]-      543   229.0538   229.0509   229.0551   26.88
2037   [119][M+1]-      544   230.0575   230.0555   230.059   26.88
2061   [119][M+2]-      545   231.0338   231.0323   231.0357   26.28
How could I optimize the parameters of CAMERA or even XCMS to get the well-defined psgroup information for ion annotation? I am very confused.
I am looking forward to have your comments on these!

Lin Shi

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