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Topics - tomnl

CAMERA / Alternative isotopes (e.g. S, Cl)
Dear CAMERA/XCMS users/developers,

I was wondering if anybody has tried successfully to modify CAMERA to detect any other isotopes (other than 13C)?

A previous post (2011) was suggested that an update might allow for better accommodation of Cl and Br atoms but I am not sure what development followed: ... c52e9#p491

I thought that one simplistic approach could be to just create a custom isotopeMatrix with the mass differences for another type of isotope e.g. Sulphur 34. Then run the findIsotopes( method with the C12/C13 filter option as FALSE. However, this give quite strange results (see below)

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Steps to create updated isotopeMatrix
Code: [Select]
mass = 1.9958 # mass difference for S34 isotope
tolerance = 0.001
mzmin = mass - tolerance
mzmax = mass + tolerance

isotopeMatrix <- matrix(NA, 8, 4);
colnames(isotopeMatrix) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax", "intmin", "intmax")
isotopeMatrix[1, ] <- c(mzmin , mzmax, 1.0, 150)
isotopeMatrix[2, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.01, 200)
isotopeMatrix[3, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[4, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.0001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[5, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.00001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[6, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.000001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[7, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.0000001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[8, ] <- c(mzmin, mzmax, 0.00000001, 200) 

CAMERA steps performed
Code: [Select]
an2 <- xsAnnotate(xset)
an2 <- groupFWHM(an2, perfwhm=0.6)
an2 <- groupCorr(an2, cor_eic_th=0.75, pval = 0.05)
an2 <- findIsotopes(an2,filter = FALSE, isotopeMatrix = isotopeMatrix  )
pl2 <- getPeaklist(an2)


EXAMPLE 1: Seems to get the Sulphur differences fine for single charged isotopes

mz   isotopes   pcgroup
317.1463202   [1005][M]+   8
319.1357339   [1005][M+1]+   8
Difference: 1.9893236889

EXAMPLE 2: But still get C13 differences (1.003)

mz   isotopes   pcgroup   
102.0915787   [1][M]2+   196   
103.0949139   [1][M+1]2+   196   
Difference: 1.003335129 (I think for the double charges this should be half as well.... which confuses me even more...)
XCMS / CentWave feature detection with LC-MS/MS (tandem) data
Hi XCMS community,

I am doing analysis on some LC-MS/MS data where both the MS1 and MS2 are in the same mzML file. I have followed the tutorial [1] where the option 'method = "MS1' is used for the xcmsSet object but I was wondering whether it was possible to use centWave feature detection?

I have tried the following, where mzdatafiles contains the location of 3 mzML files:

Code: [Select]
xs <- xcmsSet(mzdatafiles, method="centWave")
xfrag <- xcmsFragments(xs)

Should the the centWave method work be performing as normal in this situation? When I perform this on my data the xcmsFragments peak table seems to have incorrectly called the corresponding parent peaks, where the retention times seem to be drastically different between parent and fragment peaks (I can provide more information if needed)

It seems that the centWave method has been used sucessfully with XCMS online for LC-MS/MS in the paper [2], so hopefully it is possible.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

1: http://
2: http://

Few more details:
Q-Exactive MS used
MSConvert used to convert raw to centroid data