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Messages - cr517

Model Organism Metabolomes / Re: Metabolomics in C. elegans
Dear Michael,
Thank you so much for the references. I am going to have a look at them. I am aware of the bleaching technique. But do you let them reach the arrested L1 stage overnight or directly seed the bleached eggs on a plate? Seeding arrested L1's would be well synchronised but the starvation would confound the 'natural' physiological state. I also grow them on OP50. I would like to analyse the effect of different bacterial diets on the phenotype of C. elegans. So, I would like to compare populations of worms at the same developmental stage in order to minimise the effect of development on the metabolome of C. elegans. Bleaching is easy but given that I want to kill the worms at the young gravid adult stage, they would have time to desynchronise. The alternative is to pick hundreds of worms in a plate for 1 hour and let them lay eggs at the same early stage and then unpick the adult worms. But that would be an aweful lot of work given that I would like to analyse many different bacterial strains. This picking strategy of synchronisation might also not be the best because it would also take time to pick so many worms and that would cause desynchronisation.
Model Organism Metabolomes / Metabolomics in C. elegans
I am starting a project in metabolomics in C. elegans. Does anybody know if they are any guidelines for the experiment? In particular, I would be curious to know how people synchronise their worm populations.