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Messages - sabrina.dimasi

MS-DIAL / Re: To update manual modified alignment of LC peaks
Hi Hiroshi,

Thanks again.

Maybe, the only thing I can see in the table viewer is the modified peak area (not a better alignment of peaks...). Thank you for your suggestions. Probably, I should modify some parameters to obtain well-aligned peaks.

Best regards,
MS-DIAL / Re: To update manual modified alignment of LC peaks
Hi Hiroshi,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, it is what I meant.
Please find attached an example on my data. Here, I used MS-DIAL 4.20.
I have already follow the procedure 1) and 2). As you can see, it is simple to obtain the corrected alignement after selecting the RT range. Otherwise, I would like to report this modification on the data, but it is not possible (even if I click to update...).
Also, I do not understand why the third image is equal to the first one...

Best regards,
MS-DIAL / To update manual modified alignment of LC peaks
Hi everyone,
I am working with MS-DIAL software (version 4.16, which give me back less issues) used for LC/MS and LC/MSMS data.
I tried to modify some uncorrected aligned peaks by manual correction, through the alignment chromatograph viewer for the simulatenous curation. In this panel, I can easily select the region of interest, also show the corrected retection time. After that, unfortunately, it is any possibility to update the manual modification (it appears as the button doesn't work correctly). What I shoud do to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.

I am also working with .wiff original data. If you wanna use ABF files, you should first convert your original data into mzML or mzXML format by using MSConvert (ProteoWizard). Thus, you can easily convert the mzML files into ABF.

Best regards,