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Messages - stenoerman

MS-DIAL / Re: [MS-Dial 4.20] Error in JointAligner, alignment file not found
Thanks for the reply, Hiroshi.

I suspect the candidate 3 as the most likely cause, because i tried to clear up some of my laptop memory, repeated the analysis, and 3 of them seemed to work out now. the last analysis still hasnt worked out yet. then i tried to reconvert some of the files from whom i got error messages for the last run, and i am rerunning the analysis now. hopefully it will be okay.

MS-DIAL / Re: [MS-Dial 4.20] Error in JointAligner, alignment file not found
At least I only found one error during the abf conversion, and I have skipped that file (RP pos). I got 3 errors with originally .raw data (RP pos metabolomics, HILIC pos and neg, though just now I could successfully redo the alignment for HILIC neg without changing any parameters) and 3 errors with .d data (RP pos lipidomics and metabolomics, RP neg lipidomics), though I don't think they matter because I converted them to .abf.
MS-DIAL / [MS-Dial 4.20] Error in JointAligner, alignment file not found

I tried to run peak-picking and alignment with MS-Dial version 4.20 for about 12 times (different datasets and modes), and I experience problems in half of them. I got an error message saying that "error in JointAligner" right before the process finished. then when I tried to select the alignment file to export the alignment results, I found an error message saying that "There is no peak information for peak alignment. please check your ion mode setting". The peak-picking seems successful, though. i tried to re-run the alignment process once again within that project, but i got the same error message "error in JointAligner".

Has anyone experienced such problems before? and how do you solve it?

Thank you.