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Messages - viniciusgw

MS-DIAL / Re: MS-FINDER search problems (compound annotation)
Thank you Hiroshi,

I changed the language to English and the MS-Finder worked very well, the problem was even with the decimal point of the comma. I would like to thank users for their help on other issues and say that MS-DIAL and MS-Finder are incredible software, congratulations on the development.

Vinícius G. Wakui

MS-DIAL / MS-FINDER search problems (compound annotation)

I processed the .abf files in MS-DIAL version 4.38 and exported the ion table to MSP files.  But when I try to perform the compound annotation (batch job) search in MS-FINDER version 3.46, an error message appears. I´ve attached images with the parameters setting and error warning. Does somebody has also experienced this in the analysis?


MS-DIAL / Convertion of .RAW to ABF files
Hello colleagues,

I´m trying to convert MS data acquired in an Orbitrap equipment (Thermo Scientific), which is .RAW files, using the ABF Converter. However, when I try to select and input the files it doesn´t appear in the window,  Can somebody give me instructions about the conversion of .RAW to ABF files?


MS-DIAL / Re: Problems with the alignment process
Hello Sukis, thank you for your answer, I´ve tried to lower the minimum amplitude cut off but it but the problem continues. I think maybe its some problem with the converted files. I´m actually using MSConvert (ProteoWizard) to convert MS data acquired in an Orbitrap mass spectrometer equipment (Thermo Scientific), converting .RAW to MZml files. I will try to convert to ABF files and see if work.
MS-DIAL / Problems with the alignment process
Hello, colleagues,

I´ve been having some problems with the alignment process in MS-DIAL. I´m only using one sample and it's blank file and some errors are occurring. I´m using minimum amplitude cut off as 1000, but even lowering its value the same error still occurs. I checked the MZml files of the sample and blank and the files aren´t destroyed, as they can be analyzed in other software. Does anybody else have these troubles? I also would like to know if there is a need to set some configuration in the windows 10 to MS-DIAL and MS-FINDER work well.

