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Messages - lefelit

MS-DIAL / Re: Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90
Indeed the latest MSDIAL version (5.1...) is using far more RAM memory to process the data. My computer has 32GB DDR4 RAM and 5.1 uses 97% while version 4.9 only 27% of it. I am strangling to get assigned ID for DG and TG with 5.1. I revert back to 4.9
MS-DIAL / Re: ABFconverter Analyst 1.8
Hi Hiroshi,

I managed to overcome the file conversion problem. The files I am using are wiff and not wiff2. As mentioned there are negative acquisition and seems that the [M+H]+ adduct is complete necessity to proceed with the data analysis. If this adduct is not selected i can not process the data. I added negative mode adducts [M-H]- but there is somewhere a bug [M+H]+ adduct to get through the analysis

Any idea why does this happen?

Many thanks
MS-DIAL / ABFconverter Analyst 1.8
Dear all

I have SWATH negative ion data acquired with Analyst 1.8 (Win10 version) on a triple TOF 6600 instrument. ABF 1.3.7328 does not recognise them. Is this a known problem with the conversion program ?

Best regards