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Messages - hechth

Hi Kate, no, it doesn't have a GUI on MAC.

You can install it from the same source as the windows version and then use the .NET runtime for MAC to run the commandline application AFAIK.
Would also be interested if some has experience with using MS-DIAL on MAC or Linux?
MS-DIAL / Re: MS-DIAL Linux within Containers
Do you know whether someone also tried setting this up with the source code, so compiling MS-DIAL for Linux and then pushing it on a container?
Galaxy / Re: Galaxy metabolomics workflow
Hi katy - which Galaxy instance are you processing your files on?

Second, the positive and negative data can be processed separately.

What exactly do you mean with preprocessing for your files?

I'm not an expert on CAMERA but I think this is the right way.
MS-DIAL / MS-DIAL - Allow loading data from a different location than the project

I'd like to ask whether it would be possible to allow loading the data from a different location than the one where the data is stored. This causes a lot of issues for large projects where the actual data is stored on a server and different people might be running separate analyses of the data etc.

I'm offering help to actually implement that feature in MS-DIAL (I'm a software developer, experienced in C++ and C#) if this is also in a wider interest.

Looking forward to your response and general feedback if other users would also like to see this feature added to MS-DIAL. In case this is not possible due to the internal architecture etc., please let me know.

Best Wishes,
Helge Hecht