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Messages - lbutkovich

Mass spectrometers / Re: Cloud Plot - XCMS
Hi, I'm also struggling to use the Cloud Plot output in XCMS. I would really like to use this tool for processing the large amounts of data I'm working with, but there are a few issues. When I compare the Cloud Plots to the peaks of interest that I can visually see when I load up the TIC plot on MZmine, I cannot recapitulate the m/z and RT of my peaks of interest! Additionally, the 'table view' of the XCMS cloud plot is not working for me.

If anyone can give feedback for me on this, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise, is there advice for other LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data analysis tools to try? So far, I've used the GNPS LC-MS/MS data processing tool to generate Cytoscape networks and excel sheets with data. This is helpful, but also a lot of info that is difficult to filter through. I have also used MZmine to manually look at the TICs.

Thanks in advance,
Lazarina Butkovich
Grad student at UCSB