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Messages - agentfourty7

MS-DIAL / Re: Impossible to import GCMS file (Hard Ionisation) [MSDial 5.1.230222]
I was just told by someone, that the newest version of Ms-Dial doesn't have the 'hard ionisation' option yet. So, you need to use the older version (4.9.221218; still available for download on the website). And indeed, it works now for me.

Yes, Hiroshi has confirmed to me too that v5.x does not yet have the GC module enabled. They are working on it and will get it up and running in the near future - for now you can use v4.9x of MSDIAL to process GCMS-data.
MS-DIAL / Re: RT correction
Yeah, I don't like this. Instead I've worked out that converting your data to mzML means you can just add an RT shift to the time value of each scan. I've just done a fixed shift but if I spend a couple more hours sampling different shifts between my batches I could use a function to correct it instead. 

Please tell me more about this, is this done in ProteoWizard? I follow your blog and have benefitted when converting .L to .msp and merging them, so thank you.