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Messages - mo_sohrabi

XCMS Online / Features

I am new to metabolomics and XCMS. Would anyone able to tell me why there are different features with different m/z and different fold change for the same retention time in table results? I can see that feature group number is same for all different features in the same RT. I am gong to choose the significant peak for further analysis but not sure which feature should be chosen. Are they co-variant ions?

Your answer would be really helpful and appreciated.

XCMS Online / Re: XCMS Results Table
Quote from: "hpbenton"

All features are seen in the results table which pass the minfrac cut off. Minfrac is a robustness filter to make sure that the feature is seen reproducibly across the class group. If minfrac is set at 50% (ie 0.5) then we have to see feature X in at least 50% of the samples for class 1. For example, if we have 3 classes WT, MUT-1, MUT-2. Each class has 6 samples each. A feature will appear in the report if the feature is seen/detected in at least 3 samples (50%) of any one class. So, we could see feature X in the samples of WT 3 times but not see them in the MUT-1 samples or the MUT-2 samples and the feature X would still appear in the report. However, if feature Y was seen 2 times in the samples of class WT, 1 sample of MUT-1 and in 2 samples of MUT-2 then it would not pass the minfrac filter.

Hope this helps and sorry for the delay in response.



I am new to GCMS and XCMS. Why there is different features with different m/z for the same retention time in results table?
I am looking forward to seeing your kind reply.

XCMS Online / Re: XCMS Results
Quote from: "hpbenton"

If you use the downloaded results, there is a column called 'npeaks' next to this column is each class label. You can then uses these column to filter out the features that are present in just one class, two classes etc. You can of course start to filter with more filters eg a p-value and or fold change filter as well.



Hi Paul

Thanks for the answer. What is npeak? what does it mean when npeak in the table  is 12 and it is 3 for each data set?