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Topics - spapaz

MS-DIAL / Suggestion: Project File-Path
Dear Hiroshi and MS-DIAL developers,

would it be possible to add a feature that would enable to:

- first step, create a Project by specifying a directory (without ABF files), where the .mtd project and results will be created and saved 
- second step, define the path to import all the ABF files from other directories (within or outside the previous project folder)

In this way the user could, 1) keep in separate locations and/or sub-folders the ABF files,
and 2) keep separate all the outcomes (alignment, etc).

If this is already possible I apologize, but at the moment I can only different the "analysis file path" from within (or, basically only the exact same)  project file folder which contains the ABF files

Thank you for this great software

Best regards,
