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Topic: Not consistent Peak Intensity (Both Peak Height and Peak Area) (Read 2905 times) previous topic - next topic

Not consistent Peak Intensity (Both Peak Height and Peak Area)

Hi Hiroshi,

It happens randomly to me that the MS-DIAL's feature intensity is inconsistent. Sometimes it will select the highest point as the peak height. But sometimes it will show a different intensity (I can't predict either peak height is higher or lower, is there a algorithm behind it?). Please see attached screenshot 1-2 for examples.

However, after manual peak integration, the peak intensity is always the highest point in the selected window (Shown in the Screenshot 3).

I noticed such phenomenon of inconsistent peak height (peak area) in lots of my processed feature table. Is such inconsistency an underlying problem?  I am not sure what is going on. Thank you very much for your help!




Re: Not consistent Peak Intensity (Both Peak Height and Peak Area)

Reply #1
maybe this is related to smoothing - different parameters in smoothing will result in different peak heights using same raw data

Re: Not consistent Peak Intensity (Both Peak Height and Peak Area)

Reply #2
Thanks for the help! The problem is that after manual integration of the same area, the peak intensity changed. I think it should be a reproducible process (Integrate the same peak should give you the same result).

Just not sure what is happening.