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Topic: MRM scan in XCMS (Read 4964 times) previous topic - next topic

MRM scan in XCMS

Hi. I am trying to convert mzxml files with msLevel=2 to msLevel=1, so that I can use them in XCMS online, but so far it always complain. I think the structure of the converted files is right, as they are read correctly (apparently) by the system. The problem is that, after reading them, it complains: "feature detection failed" and "There were no features detected in at least one of your samples. Please check feature detection settings and make sure the selected method is applicable for your data."

What I did to convert the files is: changed all msLevel=2 to msLevel=1, scanType=MRM to scanType=Full, and changed all the precursor masses to a new one, in the format (precursor mass)000(basePeakMz). E.g., if the old file contained basePeakMz="46" and 344.29998779</precursorMz>, then the new precursor would read : 344.20004600</precursorMz>.

Anybody tried to do something like this before? Is the problem in my conversion, or is it some other problem? Thanks for any help!