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Topic: Problem uploading files (Read 7714 times) previous topic - next topic

Problem uploading files

I am having problems uploading files for analysis. I converted the Waters .raw files to .cdf. I had uploading other files from the same run converted today and analyzed them no problem. However, my attempts to upload other files have failed. The upload window loads, I am able to name the data set as well. The files come up in the directory and appear to load to the window, however, upon loading, the window does not close and the files are 'uploading' continuously according to the stored data tab. I have tried with both chrome and firefox. Firefox will not even allow me to upload files, though the upload window does load. I am running on Toshiba satellite laptop with windows 7 operating system.

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #1
Currently we are experiencing sporadic problems related to the uploader window not closing.  This results in the dataset status never changing to "UPLOAD_COMPLETE".  As such jobs never submit; they stay in queued status as the system is waiting for all datasets to complete uploading.  This is part of a pre-submit feature however it recently became unstable.  We are currently working on debugging this module and hope to have a resolution soon.

Have you tried uploading the missing files outside of the job submit workflow (i.e., in the stored datasets area)?

Duane Rinehart

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #2
Hi, thank you for your prompt reply.

 I have tried uploading to the dataset uploading area as well without much luck. However, I was able to upload data using internet explorer in both the stored data tab and in the create job area. Another problem arose though in all three browsers that I tried (chrome, firefox, and internet explorer) where I could not change job parameter settings. They were all grayed out.

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #3
It seems the upload-window-not-closing issue is related to Chrome and Java on Windows7. We are working on it.

You cannot edit a parameter set that is in use. To create a new parameter set based on the existing one, click "Create New". Then you can edit it.

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #4
Hi, I think you misunderstood. I couldn't change the parameters before I began the job. I had uploaded the dataset. I had gone to change the parameters before submitting the job. I was not able to in either internet explorer, firefox, or chrome.

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #5
Can you describe what exactly the problem is or provide a screenshot ?
Do you see the parameter window ? 
Did you try clicking on "Create New" in that window ?

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #6
Hi, I see what you mean now. There does not appear to be an error with changing settings. I just didn't follow the directions. My apologies.

Re: Problem uploading files

Reply #7
The uploader is a Java applet and as such relies on the Java runtime environment (JRE) being installed on the end-user computer.  We have had some issues with the Java version transition from 1.6 (Sun) to 1.7 (Oracle), which were supposed to fix security vulnerabilities.  Browsers such as Firefox also have plugins that call the JRE but they too were updated and broke the system.

I added some JRE version checking to help users ensure they have the latest JRE version (along with links to download).  We are also in the process of creating a testing page that will provide visual feedback (green/red checkboxes) to clearly and quickly identify potential problems.  Once completed, we will post a link on the front splash page and in the FAQ.

As of 11-JAN-2013 we are having the least number of reported problems from users with Firefox, IE9 and Chrome.
