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Topic: Feature Warning and Hanging at graph cross linking (Read 5676 times) previous topic - next topic

Feature Warning and Hanging at graph cross linking


I'm running into some problems with the annotate() wrapper function in the CAMERA package. I am using CAMERA to annotate 686 LC/MS samples hoping to eventually extract the isotope and "pseudospectra" data from the final object.

I am using a xset that I converted from a XCMSnExp object as such after peak detection, grouping, rt correction, regrouping, and peak filling in xcms.
Code: [Select]
xset <- x_filled
xset <-as(xset, "xcmsSet")

I run this to avoid this error:
Code: [Select]
imports = parent.env(getNamespace("CAMERA"))
unlockBinding("groups", imports)
imports[["groups"]] = xcms::groups
lockBinding("groups", imports)

Then my function:
Code: [Select]
xset_a = annotate(xset,

                  minfrac=0.5, # 0.25?



I get this output:
Code: [Select]
Starting snow cluster with 16 local sockets.
Run cleanParallel after processing to remove the spawned slave processes!
Start grouping after retention time.
Warning: Feature  1193  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1190  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  239  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1195  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1204  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  236  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  10783  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  6130  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  10777  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  10790  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1666  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1672  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  3679  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  10786  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  4177  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  4185  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  1207  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
Warning: Feature  6139  looks odd for at least one peak. Please check afterwards.
*ect Ive cut the warnings down to save space. There were 623, same as the amount of samples*

Created 796 pseudospectra.
Generating peak matrix!
Run isotope peak annotation
 % finished: 10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100 
Found isotopes: 34751
Start grouping after correlation.
Generating EIC's ..
Warning: Found NA peaks in selected sample.

Calculating peak correlations in 796 Groups...
 % finished: 10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100 

Calculating isotope assignments in 796 Groups...
 % finished: 10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100 
Calculating graph cross linking in 796 Groups...
 % finished: 10 

The function has been hanging here for about a day.

I have two questions:
One, what do these warnings imply? I haven't received it before. I looked into the CAMERA source code to try and clarify but I am still not sure what it is implying.

Two, is there an obvious reason my code would be hanging here? I have run CAMERA a lot and never experienced it hanging like this before.

Thanks for any insights you all might have. If there is any more info I should provided or other places I should inquire let me know.


Henry Holm
PhD Student

Re: Feature Warning and Hanging at graph cross linking

Reply #1
"Found isotopes: 34751" indicates that you have an insane number of peaks. How many peaks in your xset? That is probably why it is hanging.

Re: Feature Warning and Hanging at graph cross linking

Reply #2
Hi Jan,

Thank you so much for the response. Yes very large data set. Here is the peakfilled XCMSnExp object before I turn it into a xset.
Code: [Select]
> x_filled
MSn experiment data ("XCMSnExp")
Object size in memory: 109.46 Mb
- - - Spectra data - - -
 MS level(s): 1
 Number of spectra: 500238
 MSn retention times: -1:39 - 30:21 minutes
- - - Processing information - - -
Data loaded [Fri Mar 30 17:59:13 2018]
Filter: select MS level(s) 1 [Fri Mar 30 17:59:18 2018]
 MSnbase version: 2.4.2
- - - Meta data  - - -
  rowNames: AE1319_A001_QE001613.mzXML AE1319_A002_QE001672.mzXML ... NetTrapQC107_QE002304.mzXML (623
  varLabels: sampleNames
  varMetadata: labelDescription
Loaded from:
  [1] AE1319_A001_QE001613.mzXML...  [623] NetTrapQC107_QE002304.mzXML
  Use 'fileNames(.)' to see all files.
protocolData: none
  featureNames: F001.S0001 F001.S0005 ... F623.S3285 (500238 total)
  fvarLabels: fileIdx spIdx ... spectrum (28 total)
  fvarMetadata: labelDescription
experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
- - - xcms preprocessing - - -
Chromatographic peak detection:
 method: centWave
 28322726 peaks identified in 623 samples.
 On average 45462 chromatographic peaks per sample.
Alignment/retention time adjustment:
 method: peak groups
 method: chromatographic peak density
 106874 features identified.
 Median mz range of features: 0.0052374
 Median rt range of features: 15.996
 19590141 filled peaks (on average 31444.85 per sample).

Is there a way for me to run CAMERA in parallel for step other than the peak annotation? I understand it makes a snow cluster for that but it doesn't seem there are built in ways to run the isotope finding, groupCORR, ect in parallel.

Are there other steps I should take to manage the size of the xset?


Re: Feature Warning and Hanging at graph cross linking

Reply #3
You have 106,874 features. That is an insane number. About 10 times what I think is reasonable to get. CAMERA chokes trying to build a network between all these features. With 800 pseudo spectra after the first CAMERA step you have an average of ~ 1000 features in each group. Some group might be much larger.
You should focus on understanding why you get so many features. It looks like peak picking issues since each sample have a very high number of peaks. Check the sanity of your settings. On the top of my head these are the things that could lead to that:
1) too low ppm (split peaks)
2) too low allowed minimum peak width (spikes could get picked)
3) too low allowed maximum peak width (split peaks)
4) No prefilter or too liberal settings (picking noise)
5) noisy data in general
6) contaminants with persistent presence together with liberal settings
7) Continuum mode data instead of profile mode data (important!)