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Topic: Could MS-DIAL handle with the data of large retention time drift? (Read 4890 times) previous topic - next topic

Could MS-DIAL handle with the data of large retention time drift?

Dear users,

My MS raw data were collected recently but it exhibited large retention time drift. My QC4 to QC 10 were distributed regularly in the sample list but expressed large retention time drift, as shown in the attached figure. The Rt decreased gradually as time passed.

So could MS-DIAL correct the retention time drift and how to set the alignment parameters correctly?

Hope the users have similar experience could give me some useful suggestions. Thank you very much.



Re: Could MS-DIAL handle with the data of large retention time drift?

Reply #1
Hi Bingpeng,

In MS-DIAL you can set to execute the "retention time correction" option (in Peak detection tab, check the box at the bottom).  A window will pop-up, before processing your data, allowing you to define a list of compounds/ IS (Rt and m/z) that you can use to correct your batch.  It works good for me. Personally, I did not try it with big shifts (minutes), but you can test how it performs and give feed-back here :) 

Re: Could MS-DIAL handle with the data of large retention time drift?

Reply #2
Thanks Stefano.:)
There is a tutorial "AIF data processing and spectral library construction methodology" here.
Although it's written for aif data processing, the function is available for normal LC-MS and LC-DDA data.


Re: Could MS-DIAL handle with the data of large retention time drift?

Reply #3
Thanks Stefano,

I already selected the function of retention time correction and now data is processing. Here I would like to know need I decrease the Rt time tolerance under the alignment parameters panel correspondingly? I chose 0.5min tolerance before.

Thank you very much,
