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Topic: MS-DIAL 5 Concatenate Data from Pos and Neg Ion Modes (Read 2363 times) previous topic - next topic

MS-DIAL 5 Concatenate Data from Pos and Neg Ion Modes


I am a new user of MS-DIAL and I am trying to combine peak lists from positive and negative ion modes. The "Amalgamation of different polarity peak list' " button is greyed out, and I am not sure what I must do to make it available.

I have tried using the R-GUI for MS-CLEAR, but it provides an error "replacement has 1 row, data has 0". I followed the instructions in the tutorial for preparing the folders with the data.

I also tried using MSCombine but it also errored out after running for several hours.

I would appreciate any and all advice on how to concatenate the data from different ion modes. Thanks!