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Topic: Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90 (Read 3973 times) previous topic - next topic

Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90

Hello all,

I recently downloaded MS-DIAL 5.1.22 to re-analyze data which I have already processed in version 4.90 without issues. My data in version 4.90 took approximately 4 hours to analyze and we are on 24 hours in version 5.1.22 (and only halfway through). I didn't see in the new version anywhere to increase the number of threads.

(its stuck here)

My computer is not at any resource utilization cap and I still have 500 GB free on my C drive and 500 GB on my D drive where the data is being processed and saved. The IBF files for my timsTOF data were generated in the IBFcoverter located in the 4.90 version folder since my 5.1.22 file is missing an IBFconverter.

Any ideas? I'd love to use the new version, but I can't have my computer running this process for the next 72 hours... I am not sure it'll even pass!

Thank you,

Re: Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90

Reply #1
Follow up to this - one of my sample sets crashed without any notice or warning during the stage where it's loading each data file. Is there an error log somewhere so I can try to get to the bottom of why it's so slow and failing?

Re: Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90

Reply #2

Adding to this now that all data sets have crashed multiple times. All files seem to load and during the "processing" bar, the software closes out and there is no project file made. My sample table is setup to have a QC and a blank. I made sure all of the files are the same polarity. I'm trying version 5.1.221224 now, but it's barely made it halfway through one file in the last hour.

I am excited to use the new version, so I am hoping for some potential solutions or ideas.

Re: Version 5.1.22 Takes considerably longer than 4.90

Reply #3
Indeed the latest MSDIAL version (5.1...) is using far more RAM memory to process the data. My computer has 32GB DDR4 RAM and 5.1 uses 97% while version 4.9 only 27% of it. I am strangling to get assigned ID for DG and TG with 5.1. I revert back to 4.9