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Topic: MS-DIAL and MS-FINDER questions (Read 3839 times) previous topic - next topic

MS-DIAL and MS-FINDER questions

I would like to ask you some questions about these softwares since I’m new with them (MS-DIAL 4.24, MS-FINDER 3.20 and ABF Converter 1.3.7328.29545):
1.   When I use the ABF Converter, the .abf files obtained from the original .raw ones have not always the same size, depending on the computer I use (despite of using the same version of the software). As a result, the number of peaks showed in the MS-DIAL MS1 changes a lot (selecting the same minimum peak height in the Peak detection tab). Are MS-FINDER MS/MS and MS-DIAL MS2 exactly the same?

2.   I have noticed marked differences regarding peak intensities between MS-DIAL MS2 and MS-FINDER MS/MS spectrums. Why does this happen? Is it due to any parameter setting I need to be aware of? That’s important for me in order to visualize the fragments, because I don´t know which is the correct one (if any of them in my current settings).

3.   Why does the molecular ion match to be the base peak in the majority of times in MS-DIAL MS2?

4.   In the MS-FINDER, is it necessary to check the “Spectral datase search” box in the “Method tab” of “Analysis parameter setting” in order to activate the data sources selected in the “Data source” tab? Which databases uses when it is not checked and when it is checked?

5.   In the MS-FINDER, despite I checked the boxes of only some of the available databases present in the “Datasource” tab, when I ran the file the metadata showed additional databases that I didn’t select.

6.   Are the databases available in the page different to the ones present in the “Resources” folder downloaded in the installation of the MS-FINDER?