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Topic: Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics (Read 15822 times) previous topic - next topic

Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

I would like to query the community about the need for and utility of metabolomics standard materials.

NIST SRM 1950 will be hitting the street soon, but this is a single sample which may be of the most utility to the mass spectrometry community.

For true multivariate metabolomics analysis, one may need a \'set\' of samples that can be analyzed and compared to some reference values. For example, for the NMR intercomparison, we produced two sets of samples: a \'synthetic set\' with six distinct mixtures of six compounds, and a \'biological set\' with a biological tissue extract from an experiment with two discernable treatment groups. These were geared for NMR analysis for this exercise.

So questions:
1) Is there a need for a set of standardized samples produced by an independent agency?
2) What characteristics should this sample set have?
  2a) For NMR?
  2b) For LC/MS?
  2c) For GC/MS?
  2d) For other modalities? (Please identify)
3) How would you use such a set of samples?
4) What information would you need about the samples (metadata, chemical info, biological info, etc.)?
5) Have you developed a set of test samples? If so, how did you do that and how do you use it?
6) Should the sample be complex (biological materials) or simple (limited number of components or classes of components)?

Feedback would be crucial to agencies like NIST proceeding with plans along these lines.

Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

Reply #1
Dan, these are important questions, perhaps worth you posting in some of the other special interest groups...

Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

Reply #2
Hi Dan. For our lipidomic studies at MRC HNR we\'re currently using a commercial standards mixture for blood serum and while this was a good first solution to the problem of what to run alongside real samples to assess the variability of the assay from batch to batch but it wasn\'t that similar to the sera we were looking at, less similar still to plasma and nothing like adipose tissue or liver tissue. For liver tissue we resorted to a batch lot of Tesco\'s finest chopped liver but hardly a solution to the problem. From my experience for the lipidomics though you have to use complex standards alongside some reference standards in order to re-create some of the complexity of the real samples.

Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

Reply #3
For those of you who could use a well characterized human plasma sample, NIST has released SRM 1950 for purchase. Please see the product information at:



Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

Reply #4
I\'m very young in the field of metabolomics. We use SIMCA-P+ to calculate with PLS and OPLS the best metabolic profile (NMR-spect) that can distinguish between presence or absence of disease.


Standard reference materials (SRMs) for Metabolomics

Reply #5
it is really nice post i like this info i appreciate this post keep it up.........