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Messages - sneumann

Other / Re: Use several computers to do the calculation?

an important question upfront is unfortunately still,
whether the computers in the Lab are windows or Unix/Linux.
I doubt that the efforts to get distributed jobs on windows
to run reliably will be worth it.

But a beefy PC should be able to do it just fine,
look for e.g. Intel 6core and at least 12GB RAM (or 16GB),
they should sell between  €1000,- (no-name)
and €2000 (brands like HP or Fujitsu). With such a machine
you can use nSlaves=6 or even =12 (Hyperthreading),
and it should be able to finish 70 samples over lunchtime
or an extended coffee. YMMV.

XCMS / Re: Not able to read a write.cdf() written NetCDF file
Hi Florian,

no, I hadn't committed the code before it worked with AMDIS,
(which I discovered runs under wine), but I have now as 1.33.10.

You get a very strange straight linear TIC. If you have any idea what's
wrong with the written CDF, I am all ears.

XCMS / Re: xcms & mzR installation problem

in the case of custom locations for netcdf you will have to unpack the mzR sources
and edit mzR/src/Makevars to add your locations to

XCMS / Re: Not able to read a write.cdf() written NetCDF file
Hi Florian,

Quote from: "florian.geier"
...But I am not able to read it into any other programme such as ADMIS ("Cannot read header record in GC/MS data file"), ChemStation (... is not a compatible AIA file)"

I have extended the CDF export in xcms, could you try
and report if that works ? It loads in AMDIS without error, but doesn't look great. Can you check other programs ?

CAMERA / Re: GroupCorr algorithm error

If you have y friendly bioinformatics or IT staff around,
you could suggest to set up a real (or virtual) Linux machine
somewhere, and check out the Rstudio server (

Typically, such a real or virtual Linux machine would be closer to the central file storage
compared to a normal windows machine in the office, which
also helps file read/write performance.

XCMS / Re: MRM data?

this is great, and I am more than happy to help you as best as I can.
So for MRM we'd first need to find out how to read the raw data
into xcmsRaw, and then verify that centWave (or matchedFilter)
can process it.

1) What format does MRM data come in ? Of course mzData/mzXML/mzML are preferred.
Can we haven an example ?

2) I am happy to put a few trimmed down raw files into the msdata package,
so that you can create manpages and a vignette around it.


P.S.: Depending on your preferences, we can also take the discussion
to the xcms-devel list. As you wish.
Other / Workshop on Software at
The workshop will be held on June 25, the first day of the Metabolomics 2012 conference in Washington, D.C., and provides an opportunity to introduce and to present software and development frameworks for all steps in metabolomic data analysis. The workshop includes the option of live software demonstrations to academic and commercial participants.

The topics include, but are not limited to, data pre-processing of NMR and MS data, spectral alignment of multiple measurements, both library-based and de-novo metabolite identification, data normalization and statistical analysis, pathway mapping, pathway reconstruction and last but not least data integration between multiple studies or between data of multi-omics experiments.

Please submit your abstract through the “Abstract Submission” at Don’t forget to mention whether your presentation will include a live demonstration.
Job opportunities / Open position at the IPB Halle in computational MS
The research group “bioinformatics and mass spectrometry” in the department of Stress- and Developmental Biology at the Leibniz-Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) is seeking applications by highly motivated candidates for a position as research assistant.

You will work on algorithms for the identification of metabolites from mass spectrometry data, together with colleagues from both bio- and chemoinformatics. The methods will be available as user-friendly web applications, but also as part of universal metabolomics workflows on the IPB compute cluster.

You should hold a diploma or masters degree in bioinformatics or computer science, with experience in algorithm- and software engineering and statistics. You are able to program in Java, the statistics framework R, and have worked with relational databases. Knowledge in metabolomics or biochemistry would be an advantage. The position is available immediately. Payment is according to local regulations TV-L.

The IPB is an international research institute located on the weinberg-campus of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and provides state-of-the-art facilities for research in bioinformatics, metabolomics and plant biochemistry. Further information is available from the institute's homepage http://, for inquires please contact Dr. Steffen Neumann, Telephone: +49 345 5582-1470, e-Mail: sneumann(at)IPB-Halle.DE
XCMS / Re: Getting UV data into XCMS+ findPeaks

How did you put the UV data into th excmsRaw ?
As one "spectrum", where each RT datapoint
becomes a "m/z" value, or as a number of
single-mass spectra ? I assume the latter.

I could imagine that matchedFilter never expected spectra
with just a single mass. You could fake a second mass,
by just repeating the data.

XCMS / Re: massifquant not working

Quote from: "meow"
We wanted to try the massifquant peak detection on some of our samples; apparently the findPeaks.massifquant function is not found in the DLL (the R part of the function seems to exist, it seems to fail when calling the DLL...)

I just committed 1.31.8, which enables windows builds
of the (experimental) MassIfQuant Peak picker.

The only change I needed (apart from adding the massifquant *.o
to OBJECTS in was to define float64 as double,
same as in the unix variant.

If you're impatient, grab' it from

XCMS Online / Re: Excluding every other scan?
Hi Chris,

there is split() for xcmsRaw objects. Check out ?split.xcmsRaw for the documentation.
Basically, you create a vector that is as long as you xcmsRaw has scans,
and two values for the LTQ and Orbi scans. You will retrieve a list of two
xcmsRaw with only one kind of scans.

Then you can write.cdf or write.mzdata to bring these xcmsRaws back to disk,
to read them back in with xcmsSet().
