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Topic: eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update (Read 11965 times) previous topic - next topic

eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

A second intercomparison exercise has been developed, deployed and executed.

Twelve Laboratories from around the world analyzed NIST-prepared materials using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy.

In all, 16 data sets at four different NMR magnet strengths were collected using standardized protocols.

The experimental protocol involved sample temperature calibration, 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional experiments, multivariate analysis and quantitative evaluation of metabolite concentrations.

Analysis of the results of the exercise is ongoing and should be completed by the fall of 2011.

eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

Reply #1
This is great news Dan. I realise this second study is on-going, but do you envision a 3rd NMR intercomparison in 2012 or 2013? Would be good for the community to know that this is an on-going effort, with an open invitation for further labs to join next time around.

As a request to the community: please let Dan or I know about similar intercomparison studies, as it could be more beneficial if international efforts are aligned.

Mark Viant


eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

Reply #2
Wow! It is pretty tough to think of a future exercise in the midst of a current one... ;-)

BUT! The strength of repeating intercomparisons is that the community learns and grows in confidence and skill through these things. Since the data is reported anonymously, there is freedom to \'give it a try\' and see how your data aligns with the community. If you do well, then this is a great point to include in the next proposal you write or for internal QC needs. If you are not happy with your results, then there is a way to gauge any efforts you make to bring improvement to your process.

Feedback from the community, and citations of the manuscript we will be producing, are the kind of encouragement that we need to forge ahead with planning for another exercise.

I encourage those with ANY interest in participating in the future to contact Mark or me and express that interest, along with any questions or suggestions that you may have.

eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

Reply #3
hi Dan - any update on eMICE so far ... ? thanks! jake

eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

Reply #4
Jake, indeed there is progress, but as in the first intercomparison study the data analysis will take some time.  Both Dan (and lab) and myself (and Rob in the NERC metabolomics facility) hope to have some exciting results soon...

Thank you again to all the participating labs!

eMICE_2011 Environmental Metabolomics Intercomparison Update

Reply #5
it is really nice post i like this info i appreciate this post keep it up......... :mad: